Thank you to all who have supported our Cars & Coffee gatherings.

This is an update on our current event status.

Our aim has always been to have four (4) asymmetrically scheduled Cars & Coffee with Awaken Café events per year, since the first in May, 2023. This is with intention to skip the brutal heat of the Arizona summer and its effects on vintage European motors. We also have always maintained our advocacy for those regular meets already in place, and have designed ours in a way we feel only adds to the thriving cars-and-coffee community here in the desert— not borrow against it.

In a way we feel only adds to the thriving cars-and-coffee community here in the desert— not borrow against it.

While we are currently in process of planning the next, as of this status, we have no date set in place. An initial date of May 25 was shared for Edition 04 with a few of you, but that has been put on hold for now, pending schedules of mutual businesses involved.

We so look forward to rubbing shoulders with you all at the next, and will share updates here and on social channels as they come. Until then, always feel free to shoot us a DM or email.